The Brand Bar is InMark Media’s newly designed and innovative grocery store divider. Its guaranteed to touch the hands of your audience.  Want to target locally? There’s no better place to advertise than in your local supermarket.

You can’t ignore it!

If a customer is buying something, they’ll have to check out. While they’re waiting on the (usually long) check-out line, our brand bars will serve as advertisement for our clients. InMark’s Brand Bars put a spin on the original dividers that separate one costumer’s groceries from another’s.


On an average day, 32 million Americans go to supermarkets nationwide. During an average week, Americans shop at their local supermarkets 2-3 times per week. The constant traffic in most supermarkets nationwide allows for constant advertisement engagement.


Our supermarket advertising is exclusive. Whichever local supermarket your company’s advertisement is in, your competition’s will not be! Unlike other forms of media advertising, we care about our customers and care about their successes.


Dividers are one of the most utilized tools in supermarkets. Unlike other dividers, our Brand Bars feature a billboard-like double-sided advertisement that is three inches in height. It is attached to the typical divider and draws extra attention to advertisements.

Build your brand and your business with the Brand Bar. This nifty product is exactly what you are looking for. Contact us to get started now!
